5 Advantages of Solving Sample Papers Before CBSE Board Exams


Sample papers are considered one of the essential resources while preparing for board exams. It is crucial for students of the CBSE Board to solve the sample papers available on their official website. Every year, CBSE uploads subject-wise sample papers on their official website along with the answer keys. Subject-matter experts prepare these sample papers by referring to the prescribed syllabus. By practising the sample papers, students can measure their preparation level.

Students should know the correct technique of utilising these CBSE sample papers to score good marks in their exams. The questions included in the sample papers are picked up from each topic. After completing the syllabus, students should start solving the subject-wise sample papers. They will get an overview of the question paper pattern, marking scheme, types of questions asked, and their strengths and weaknesses by solving these papers. It also teaches them time management so that they can complete the exam paper on time. Even, there is a chance that students might get questions from the sample papers in their final exam. So, the best time to solve these sample papers is three to two months before the exam.

In this article, we have mentioned some benefits of solving the sample papers before the final exam.

5 Benefits of Practising the Sample Papers

Sample papers can be utilised in multiple ways by students. Here we have pointed down five primary methods of using the sample papers to score excellent marks in their board exams.

1) Begin with the sample papers once done with the entire syllabus

Students should take up the sample papers only when done with the syllabus. Just randomly solving the sample papers without completing the syllabus will not give any fruitful results to students. It will be better for students if they have done revision as well.

2) Create an exam like environment

It is crucial that students have exam-like scenarios while solving the sample papers, and it will give them a feel of the actual exam. In this way, they get the real exam experience before the board exams. Also, it will help to handle the pressure of the board exams by getting rid of exam fear.

3) Strictly follow the timings

While solving the sample papers, students must make sure that they stick to the timing. They should solve the sample papers in the allocated time. This will fulfil their purpose of solving the mock papers or previous years’ papers. This will help students to manage time during the exams. Also, students get to know whether they can complete the entire paper on time or they need to work on improving their timing.

4) Be always honest to yourself

Students must remember one thing while solving the mock paper, sample papers or previous years’ papers. They have to be honest with themselves. They are not allowed to look at the answers while solving the paper. Once they have completed the paper, they can see the answer to check how much they have answered the questions. So, cheating is not allowed while solving the papers.

5) Self assess your performance

Self-assessment is one of the crucial parts of exam preparation. After solving every paper, students must evaluate their answer sheet. They must go through the entire answer sheet, and find out where they have made mistakes, which questions they couldn’t solve, and what all problems they faced while attempting the question paper. This will help understand their weak areas, and thus help in improving their performance.

These are the five tips that will help you get better marks in your exam. These tips can be followed while solving the CBSE Previous Year Question Papers. Students of Class 10 and 12 can refer to these tips while solving the sample papers.

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